Coinciding with the 38th anniversary of the Islamic revolution of Iran, the project named Talash3 was opened by Dr.Vaezi, minister ICT of I.R.Iran and Mr.Azari jahromi ,deputy minister of ICT, Chairman of the Board and managing director of TIC .
Coinciding with the 38th anniversary of the Islamic revolution of Iran, the project named Talash3 was opened by Dr.Vaezi, minister ICT of I.R.Iran and Mr.Azari jahromi ,deputy minister of ICT, Chairman of the Board and managing director of TIC .By implimenting of this project ,the transmission capacity of the country was increased from 4Tbps to 10Tbps.
In implementing this project, new technologies such as POTN and ROADM has been used . It features the ability to offer new services to macro subscribers ,more stability and optimal use of transmission capacity of the fiber network.