Preparing for the future: The 2020s will demand more from your tech

Preparing for the future: The 2020s will demand more from your tech
What worked in the 2010s will not work in the 2020s as we see business shift from global toward hyperlocal operations. Aligning your tech stack to address the highest risks to your organization and pursue the right innovations will be the differentiator for future-fit firms in the 2020s.

What worked in the 2010s will not work in the 2020s as we see business shift from global toward hyperlocal operations. Aligning your tech stack to address the highest risks to your organization and pursue the right innovations will be the differentiator for future-fit firms in the 2020s.
According to zdnet, For IT and business leaders, success in the 2010s meant capitalizing on innovative commercial IT (think cloud and mobile). As the decade went on, many of those firms began leveraging the same commercial platforms -- now looking and feeling very similar to their customers. Forward-thinking organizations began examining how digital differentiation could give them a leg up and then -- wham! -- 2020 came in with a bang.
In only a few months, business models were flipped on their heads. The coronavirus pandemic, economic downturns, the rise of values-based consumers, and increasing climate issues forced most businesses to pivot to new, mostly digital, models quickly this year.
For starters, every business role must incorporate systemic risk into long-term planning. For future-fit IT leaders, the risks aren't limited to the data center or network outages. Today's risks include rapidly changing consumer trends that require digital pivots, increasingly complex security concerns, the ethical use of AI, and the increasing impacts of climate change.
Feeling overwhelmed? Well, the good news is there are a number of emerging technologies that can help your organization identify and address these risks as well as create competitive advantage through disruptive innovation. A few examples include:
•    Employee privacy software that leverages the downpour of employee data without infringing on employee trust
•    AI that is learning how to code enterprise software and changing firms' organizational structures
•    Cloud-native technology that helps you innovate with software everywhere, especially at the edge
•    Software dedicated to analyzing climate risk to evaluate your individual organization's risk
•    Robotic process automation that can scale back-office processes for increased resiliency

Aligning your tech stack to address the highest risks to your organization and pursue the right innovations will be the differentiator for future-fit firms in the 2020s.

Oct 3, 2020
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