Tehran Hosting 21st TELECOM Exhibition

Tehran Hosting 21st TELECOM Exhibition
The 21st International Exhibition of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Innovative ICT Solutions (TELECOM) was inaugurated at Tehran Permanent International Fairgrounds on Tuesday.

The 21st International Exhibition of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Innovative ICT Solutions (TELECOM) was inaugurated at Tehran Permanent International Fairgrounds on Tuesday.
The opening of the TELECOM 2021 had been postponed for a while due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, in the country.
The 21st edition of TELECOM Exhibition will run until February 26, 2021 and telecommunications companies, as well as Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and those companies which are active in the field of Communications and Information Technology (ICT) will showcase their latest achievements at this exhibition.
Every year, the companies consider TELECOM Exhibition as a good opportunity to introduce their latest telecommunications projects and technologies to the public.
Earlier, the 21st edition of TELECOM Exhibition was scheduled to be held in October 2020 but it was postponed to the spread of COVID-19 and at the order of the National Coronavirus Combat and Prevention Headquarters.

Feb 24, 2021
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